International Conference




April 11, 2015

Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan

Sponsored by:

The American Society of Geolinguistics

Amici Linguarum International Associaton

Tokyo Polyglot and Language Enthusiasts Research Group

The conference welcomes all sorts of submissions dealing with multiple languages in the geolinguistic perspective (geolinguistics being the study of languages and dialects in contact and in conflict with various societal, economic, ideological, political and other contemporary trends with regard to a particular geographic location and on a planetary scale). The conference particularly features contributions on all aspects of polyglottery, language learning/teaching in the light of global trends, multilingual situations around the world, linguistic implications of mass migrations, language policies of cities and nations, as well as ethnic identities and cultural heritage.

Proceedings will be published before the conference. Prospective participants are kindly requested to submit via e-mail full texts of their papers, 1,500-3,000 words long, in one of these languages in either a Microsoft Word or Open Office format: English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, or Esperanto. All papers should include a summary in English of up to 200 words. Actual presentations at the conference are to be delivered in English only.

December 15, 2014 is the deadline for initial proposals which should include 1) the summary in English, 2) the author’s name and affiliation, and 3) an indication of the language in which the full paper will be written. By January 1, 2015 the screening committee will inform applicants whether their initial submissions have been accepted or rejected. January 15, 2015 is the deadline for submitting full texts of the articles. By February 1, 2015 the screening committee will reply to applicants whether an article has been accepted as is or conditionally (needs adjustments), or whether it has been rejected. February 15, 2015 is the deadline for resubmitting adjusted articles.

Conference fees are 5,000 yen per participant (3,000 yen for student participants). This will include a copy of the proceedings to be made available at the conference. Those attending the conference but not reading a paper will be charged 1,000 yen per person.
